Distilling Orange Blossoms

Orange Blossom Hydrosol 

May on the mountain; orange blossoms, honeybees, transplanting starts + distilling plants under the sun. We are fortunate to have a few mature, abundant orange and avocado trees on the property that we live on. They seem to thrive with the central coast's climate - thick morning fog that clears up by the afternoon. Protected by the winds, they are nestled above a small canyon that sits beneath them, along with mountains in either facing direction, and the ocean to the West. Both trees benefit from their fruits being harvested starting from January and into the spring. 

This is the first year I have distilled orange blossoms, or Neroli, from orange trees on the California coast. Plucking the open flowers and leaving the closed for the bees, I started to slowly fill up a pot full of these sweet, white fragrant flowers until I had a decent amount to fill the copper still with. The scent given off from these flowers is very calming and Once the still was full of the blossoms and spring water from the property, a rice flour paste was used to seal the cracks of the still so steam doesn't escape during the process. After about 4 hours, I had about a gallon of fragrant orange blossom hydrosol split amongst several jars.

This plant water is so beneficial for the skin; it is antiseptic, antimicrobial, helps to prevent inflammation and acne, reduces skin sensitivity and redness, great for oily skin, etc. Orange Blossom hydrosol can be used as a facial toner to cleanse the pores of dirt and impurities while at the same time tightening larger pores and evening the skin tone. Spray throughout the day on the face or use to mist around the space you are working in. :)


Copper still full of Orange Blossoms 

Orange Blossom Hydrosol 








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